Will Procrastinators Support Environmental Tax?

Procrastination, in km could measure the distance between myself and success; in %, however, might explain why we still have no solution to Global Warming.

1. Introduction


Carbon emissions are known to be the prime contributor to Global Warming. Yet, there are only 15% of the countries had adopted Carbon tax initiatives as of 2019. Among all the explanations, I am going to replicate my undergrad dissertation to prove people with present-bias (e.g. Procrastinators) are less likely to support environmental tax with Python and R in this blog post.

Time Discounting

To start with, we need to define what is carbon tax - by intentionally increasing the carbon cost, we discourage our short-term over-consumption for the long-term environmental benefit. And like an investment, time discounting plays a role when deciding whether to support a long-term tax policy. Essentially, we are putting a discount rate (%) on cash flows we will receive in the future. For example, I would prefer receiving $100 now than delaying it, as somehow, I feel like the same $100 would be of less value in a month, and it would further depreciate in a year. In other words, the more distant the environmental benefit, the less it meant to us at the present. The logic could be represented by Net Present Value (\(NPV\)), where \(t\) represents the period, \(T\) is the total number of periods, \(R_t\) is the cash flow at \(t\), and \(i\) is the interest rate: $$NPV(i,T) = \sum_{t=1}^T \frac{R_t}{(1+i)^t}$$ From the equation above, we can see two factors, time \(t\) and interest rate \(i\) that are negatively correlated with \(NPV\). In this case, we can also interpret \(i\) as the rate at which we discount values over time, or simply how impatient we are. As Amdur et al. (2015) proposed, “individuals’ discount rate would be negatively correlated with their support for environmental taxation”. Meaning people who are more impatient are less encouraged to support a long term policy like carbon tax. This is also going to be my Hypothesis 1 (H1), which is insignificantly supported in later sections, and will be seen as an evidence to employ time discounting to the subject matter.

Time Preference

While Amdur’s research was one of the first to empirically link the magnitude of time discounting with individuals’ support for environmental policy, their underlying assumption of dynamic consistency is debatable.

According to Samuelson's (1937) Discounted Utility Model, economists only assumed a constant discount rate \(i\) for analytical convenience. (For those who are interested: a constant discount rate means the marginal rate of substitution between two deferred goods separated by a fixed lag should be stable across time. Individuals with such preference would be described as having an exponential discounting function or a time consistent preference. (Laibson, 1996)) In Kirby's (1995, p.83) words:

If you would like a chocolate bar next Tuesday twice as much as an apple next Wednesday, you would like them in the same ratio for successive Tuesdays and Wednesdays a month, a year, or 10 years from now.
Instead of chocolate bar and apples, I am going to compare the rate at which an individual would be indifferent between separated financial rewards in different timeframes with a titration approach.

Dynamic Inconsistency

Unlike the classical belief on time consistent preference adopted in Amdur’s research, recent studies have demonstrated dynamic inconsistency (Fedrick et al., 2002). This phenomena suggests some people might put higher weight on the present over future utility, (Present-Biased); or vice versa, (Future-Biased) (Goda et al., 2019).

For a present-bias example, you realised there was an approaching deadline on Day 1, and you thought you would start on the next day so you could enjoy the new Netflix Series for now. But on Day 2, you were impatient about the next episode and postponed your wish to work to Day 3... until the deadline. People with such procrastinating behaviour are explained in Behavioural Economics by how we would underestimate tomorrow's \((t+1)\) pleasure in today's \((t)\) point of view. Specifically, a present-biased individual would be increasingly impatient (i.e. associate higher discount rate) as an intertemporal choice approaches. From studies, such discounter would over-pursue immediate gratification, and be more likely to bear credit-card debt or have poor health status (O'Donoghue and Rabin, 2015; Meier and Sprenger, 2010; Ikeda et al., 2010).

Following this rationale, I propose individuals with such time preference would care more about the short-term sacrifices in paying additional tax, and weight less on the distant benefit of climate mitigation. Hence, Hypothesis 2 (H2) is that “individuals with present-bias would be less likely to support environmental taxation than individuals with consistent time preference”.

2. Data & Methodology

To prove the two hypotheses, I am using the household survey data from the UK Understanding Society Innovation Panel released by the Economic and social Data of the UK Data Service. (Full acknowledgement in my GitHub Repository) Every year since Wave 1 in 2008, same group of selected household representatives, who replicates the demographics in Britain, would be re-interviewed face-to-face or through the internet (Jäckle et al., 2019). As experiment modules would change in each wave, only Wave 7 (IP7) in 2014 includes all three experiments that are related to the research purposes. Among the total of 2,826 participants aged 16 or above in IP7, only 495 of them had participated in all the relevant experiment modules.


The questionnaire results are categorised into two datasets. Hence, I will firstly focus on classifying data from different experiment modules in g_indresp_ip, and converting them into meaningful variables with Python. Then I will identify those demographics information in g_indall_ip that would be of value. Once all variables are created, I will combine them into one dataframe before running the Ordered regression model in R.

The following packages are imported to set up the Python environment:

In [1]: 

# data manipulation	
import pandas as pd		
import numpy as np		
import re
import functools
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
# visualisation
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
Data Description

To avoid confusion, I have only downloaded results from experiment modules that would be of use in a .xls file. The file is then imported as a Python Pandas dataframe with the first column "pidp", which is uniquely representing each participant as the index.

In [3]:

# create a panda dataframe by reading the csv file with the first column as index
g_indresp = pd.read_excel("g_indresp_ip.xls", index_col = 0)

As shown below, the variable series g_choice are results of the "Time and Risk Preference" module to determine interviewees' time preference and time discount rate; whereas the g_envtax series is from the "Environmental Tax" module to check if the interviewee would support environmental tax; lastly, the g_envhabit is for controlling the interviewees' attitude on environmental behaviour from the "Environmental Behaviour and Attitudes" module.

In [4]:

# print column values

Out [4]:

['g_choice01', 'g_choice02', 'g_choice03', 'g_choice04', 'g_choice05',
 'g_choice06', 'g_choice07', 'g_choice08', 'g_choice09', 'g_choice10',
 'g_choice11', 'g_choice12', 'g_choice13', 'g_choice14', 'g_choice15',
 'g_choice16', 'g_choice17', 'g_choice18', 'g_choice19', 'g_choice20',
 'g_choice21', 'g_choice22', 'g_choice23', 'g_choice24', 'g_choice25',
 'g_choice26', 'g_choice27', 'g_choice28', 'g_choice29', 'g_choice30',
 'g_choice31', 'g_choice32', 'g_choice33', 'g_choice34', 'g_choice35',
 'g_choice36', 'g_choice37', 'g_choice38', 'g_choice39', 'g_choice40',
 'g_choice41', 'g_choice42', 'g_choice43', 'g_choice44', 'g_choice45',
 'g_choice46', 'g_choice47', 'g_choice48', 'g_choice49', 'g_choice50',
 'g_choice51', 'g_choice52', 'g_choice53', 'g_choice54', 'g_choice55',
 'g_choice56', 'g_choice57', 'g_choice58', 'g_choice59', 'g_choice60',
 'g_choice61', 'g_choice62', 'g_choice63', 'g_choice64', 'g_choice65',
 'g_choice66', 'g_choice67', 'g_choice68', 'g_choice69', 'g_choice70',
 'g_choice71', 'g_choice72', 'g_envtax_a', 'g_envtax_b', 'g_envtax_c',
 'g_envtax_d', 'g_envtax_e', 'g_envtax_f', 'g_envtax_g', 'g_envtax_h',
 'g_envhabit1', 'g_envhabit2', 'g_envhabit3', 'g_envhabit4', 'g_envhabit5',
 'g_envhabit6', 'g_envhabit7', 'g_envhabit8', 'g_envhabit9']
Dependent Variable - Environmental Taxation

In the “Environmental Tax” module, respondents were randomly assigned with one of eight questions, consisted with four different settings, each with or without an additional common treatment (i.e. 4 settings x (with + without treatment) = 8 Questions from a to h). While the treatment is going to be intuitive, the four question settings were unrelated to time discounting. They will be disregarded as if all subjects were asked by the baseline question:

How willing would you be to pay higher taxes in order to protect the environment?

Hence, a new dataframe envtax_table is created by extracting those related columns from g_indresp.

From the 10 samples below, we can see once respondents were assigned with one of the eight questions, they would be choosing their degree of Willingness To Pay environmental tax, while the rest of the seven questions would be marked as "inapplicable":

In [5]:

# filter columns with name containing "g_envtax_" to create a new dataframe
envtax_table = g_indresp.filter(regex = 'g_envtax_', axis = 1)

# take ten random samples from envtax

Out [5]:
              g_envtax_a	  g_envtax_b	  g_envtax_c	  g_envtax_d	  g_envtax_e	  g_envtax_f	  g_envtax_g	  g_envtax_h
1700103367	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not at all      inapplicable
1700425007	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not at all      inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable
1700950651	not very        inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable 
1701061487	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable
1726302446	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not very        inapplicable
1700792891	proxy	        proxy	        proxy		    proxy	    	proxy	    	proxy	    	proxy	    	proxy
1732483652	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable
1700369251	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not at all      inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable 
1700503207	inapplicable	very willing	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable
1700180211	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not very willing


By creating a pivot table, the aggregate number of answers in each question are counted. The majority are choosing "Fairly Willing", followed by "Not Very Willing" in most questions. As expected, positive answers spiked when participants were receiving the common treatment in question b, d, f, h, which will be controlled in the next session.

In [6]:

# create a new empty panda dataframe
pivot_tax = pd.DataFrame()

# for each column in envtax_table, create a pivot table and append it to the newly created dataframe
for col in envtax_table:
    pivot = envtax_table.pivot_table(columns=col, aggfunc="size",fill_value=0)
    pivot_tax[col] = pivot

# print out the dataframe to count the unique value in each column

Out [6]:

                    g_envtax_a  g_envtax_b  g_envtax_c  g_envtax_d  \
don't know                   5          10           4          15   
fairly willing              77          98          69          97   
inapplicable              2098        2105        2133        2099   
not at all willing          68          15          49          30   
not very willing            77          41          71          46   
proxy                       76          76          76          76   
very willing                12          67           8          49   

                    g_envtax_e  g_envtax_f  g_envtax_g  g_envtax_h  
don't know                   5          10           2          14  
fairly willing              80          84          93          96  
inapplicable              2115        2104        2092        2105  
not at all willing          58          50          60          21  
not very willing            63          53          72          35  
proxy                       76          76          76          76  
very willing                13          32          14          66  

With answers from different questions, it will be the most ideal to consider each independently if data was sufficient. However, for preserving the statistical power given our small sample size, I am going to disregard the differences in settings, which are unrelated to time discounting, and treat all questions as if they were the baseline with (b) or without treatment (a). Although framing effects are inevitable, the experiment designer, Fairbrother (2017) had proved such adverse effect is minimal in his publication. Hence, I am going to consolidate the questions into a new variable envtax.

In [7]:
# define a function to check in the inputted row from the first column to the last, 
# when would the cell value deviate from "inapplicable" so to return that value 
def to_the_right(col):
    value = "inapplicable"
    col_index = 0
    while value == "inapplicable" and col_index < 8:
        value = col[col_index]
        col_index += 1
    return value

# define a function to apply to_the_right() to every row in the inputted dataframe
def clean(df):
    df.loc[:,"envtax"] = df.apply(lambda col: to_the_right(col), axis = 1)

# run clean() on envtax_table

# take ten random samples from envtax_table 

Out [7]:
              g_envtax_a	  g_envtax_b	  g_envtax_c	  g_envtax_d	  g_envtax_e   	  g_envtax_f	  g_envtax_g	  g_envtax_h	     envtax
1700910531	inapplicable	very willing	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	very willing
1701568775	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not very        not very
                                                                                                                                willing	        willing
1700711971	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not at all     	inapplicable	inapplicable	not at all 
                                                                                                willing                                         willing
1720998486	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not at all    	not at all 
                                                                                                                                willing         willing
1726717246	inapplicable	inapplicable	not at all    	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not at all 
                                                willing                                                                                         willing
1700819475	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	fairly willing	inapplicable	fairly willing
1700442023	not very     	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not very 
                willing                                                                                                                         willing
1701483087	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	fairly willing	fairly willing
1700559651	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable
1721290886	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable

Unfortunately, not every interviewees had joint the "Environmental Tax" module. Absentees or participants with inaudible answer, e.g. "Don't know", would be dropped from envtax_table.

In [8]:

# drop rows if the value in envtax is not recognise in the list 
envtax_table.drop(envtax_table[~envtax_table.envtax.isin(["not at all willing", "not very willing", "fairly willing", "very willing"])].index , inplace=True)

# call out the pivot table to count the unique value in the column
envtax_table.pivot_table(columns="envtax", aggfunc="size",fill_value=0)

Out [8]:
fairly willing        693
not at all willing    351
not very willing      458
very willing          261
dtype: int64

The final step before finalising the dependent variable, envtax is to transform the categorical text data into categorical numerical data as below:

  • Very willing (= 4)
  • Fairly Willing (= 3)
  • Not Very Willing (= 2)
  • Not at All Willing (= 1)

In [9]:

# creating a dictionary to assign numerically ordered values to the categorical answers
encoding = {"envtax": {"very willing": 4, "fairly willing": 3, "not very willing": 2, "not at all willing": 1}}
# replacing the string with the corresponding numeric values 
envtax_table = envtax_table.replace(encoding)									
Independent Variable - Treatment

As mentioned, a random treatment was imposed in the “Environmental Tax” module which introduced an additional condition at the end of the question for subjects’ Willingness To Pay environmental tax (i.e. b, d, f, h):

…, if the government reduced other taxes you pay by the same amount?
For simplicity, treatment will be seen as a direct reduction on proximate financial costs, which as mentioned, has motivated more participants to be more willing to pay.

A dummy variable treatment is created with value = 1 for subjects who had received the treatment in question b, d, f, h; and = 0 otherwise.

In [10]:

# define a funtion to count in the inputted row, 
# how many columns from left to right have value "inapplicable" until a deviation is detected								
# if the number of counts is equal to 2 or 4 or 6 or 8, assign 1 to the new variable, otherwise, assign 0
def treat(col):
    value = "inapplicable"
    count = 0
    col_index = 0
    while value == "inapplicable" and col_index < 9:
        value = col[col_index]
        count += 1
        col_index += 1
    if count == 2 or count == 4 or count == 6 or count == 8:
        treatment = 1
    elif count == 9:
        treatment = ""
        treatment = 0
    return treatment

# define a function to apply treat to every row in the inputted dataframe
def treatment(df):
    df.loc[:, "treatment"] = df.apply(lambda col: treat(col), axis = 1)	

# run treatment() on evtax_table

# take ten random samples from envtax_table 

Out [10]:
              g_envtax_a	  g_envtax_b	  g_envtax_c	  g_envtax_d	  g_envtax_e	  g_envtax_f	  g_envtax_g	  g_envtax_h	envtax	treatment
1701842807	not very     	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	2	0
1719924092	inapplicable	inapplicable	fairly willing	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	3	0
1700728967	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not very    	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	2	0
1726560926	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	fairly willing	3	1
1719924132	inapplicable	inapplicable	fairly willing	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	3	0
1700894891	inapplicable	very willing	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	4	1
1713668132	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not at all  	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	1	0
1721596886	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not at all  	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	1	0
1700499127	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	fairly willing	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	3	1
1717496452	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	not at all  	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	1	0
Independent Variable - Time Discounting

In the “Time Preference and Risk Aversion” module respondents were asked 6 sets of 12 questions based on hypothetical financial rewards with 10% chance of receiving an actual payment for one of their choices to ensure genuine participation. Check Appendix B for full set of questions.

In all 72 questions, respondents were asked to choose either receiving a Sooner & Smaller reward (hereafter SS) or a Later & Larger reward (hereafter LL) with 6 different timeframes in the form of i_j, specified in each set. For i defines when would SS be received. Either in ‘near’ term (i.e. receive SS today: i = 0; grey line in illustration), or in ‘distant’ term (i.e. receive SS with 1-month front end delay i = 1; dotted line in illustration); for j indicates the lag between SS and LL. To receive LL j month(s) after SS, where j = 1, 3 or 12; line span in illustration.

The difference between Smaller and Larger reward are interpreted as compensation for waiting. (i.e. Range of compensation offered varies in proportion to lag length j as shown in Appendix B.) The percentage difference in reward will be the compensation rate (hereafter comp_rate) offered in each question. For example, for Choice01 in 1_1,

Between Option (A): Receiving £100 in 1 month and Option (B): Receiving £100.42 in 2 months, which option do you prefer?
if an individual preferred SS, comp_rate of 0.42% would be insufficient, and a higher comp_rate should be offered to compensate that individual for waiting 1 more month.

To deduce an individual’s valuation on waiting in each timeframe, however, the titration approach was adopted (Admur et al., 2015). Within the same set of 12 questions, the amount of LL offered would increase marginally while keeping SS and i_j unchanged. As comp_rate increases, respondents were expected to switch from choosing SS to LL eventually (Kirby et al., 1999).

Hence, if an individual chose SS for Choice01 (comp_rate of 0.42% for waiting 1 month) but preferred LL for Choice02 (comp_rate of 0.83% for waiting 1 month), there should be a comp_rate between 0.42% to 0.83% that makes the individual indifferent between SS and LL. For computation, I will speculate the preferred comp_rate for each i_j at around the mid-point. (e.g. 0.83%/2) Intuitively, comp_rate represents the minimum compensation rate or the time discount rate required to convince that individual to wait for a specific timeframe.

Six dataframes periodi_j were created to correspond with each timeframe.

In [11]:											

# filter the columns in g_indresp by RegEx to create six new dataframes											
period1_2 = g_indresp.filter(regex = 'g_choice0[1-9]|g_choice1[0-2]', axis = 1)
period1_4 = g_indresp.filter(regex = 'g_choice1[3-9]|g_choice2[0-4]', axis = 1)
period1_13 = g_indresp.filter(regex = 'g_choice2[5-9]|g_choice3[0-6]', axis = 1)
period0_1 = g_indresp.filter(regex = 'g_choice3[7-9]|4[0-8]', axis = 1)
period0_3 = g_indresp.filter(regex = 'g_choice49|g_choice5[0-9]|g_choice60', axis = 1)
period0_12 = g_indresp.filter(regex = 'g_choice6[1-9]|g_choice7[0-2]', axis = 1)

# create a list referring to the six new dataframes
period = [period1_2, period1_4, period1_13, period0_1, period0_3, period0_12]

# take ten random samples from one of the six dataframes

Out [11]:
                  g_choice37	  g_choice38      g_choice39	  g_choice40	  g_choice41	  g_choice42	  g_choice43	  g_choice44	  g_choice45	  g_choice46	  g_choice47	  g_choice48
1713817692	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable
1700500491	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable
1700141455	proxy	        proxy	        proxy       	proxy	        proxy	        proxy	        proxy	        proxy	        proxy	        proxy	        proxy	        proxy
1720651652	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable
1700360411	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable
1701575567	option a:     	option a:    	option a:   	option b:       option b:       option b:       option b:       option b:       option b:       option b:       option b:       option b: 
                receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving
                �100 today     �100 today     �100 today      �101.67 in     �102.08 in     �102.50 in     �103.33 in      �104.17 in     �105 in         �106.67 in     �108.33 in     �112.50 in
                                                                1 month         1 month         1 month         1 month         1 month         1 month         1 month         1 month         1 month
1701491247	option a:       option a:       option a:     	option a:    	option a:       option a:       option a:       option a:       option b:       option b:       option b:       option b: 
                receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving       receiving
                �100 today     �100 today     �100 today     �100 today     �100 today      �100 today     �100 today      �100 today     �105 in         �106.67 in     �108.33 in     �112.50 in
                                                                                                                                                1 month         1 month         1 month         1 month    
1702475366	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable
1721923246	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable
1700544691	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable	inapplicable

As shown in the sampling above, some interviewees did not take part in this experiment module, hence, dropping them from the data:

In [12]:

# identified  the rows with inaudible  values in g_choice01
drop_index_choice = g_indresp[g_indresp["g_choice01"].str.contains("inapplicable|proxy")].index 

# drop the identified rows by index in each six dataframes
for df in period:
    df.drop(drop_index_choice, inplace = True) 

Before I deduce the compensation rate, I have to transform all cells' value from a string e.g. option A: receiving �100 today, into a numeric value 100. Then I will calculate the percentage difference between the first column with the second, the second column with the third, etc. until the percentage difference is higher than 0, so to halve that value and return a new variable comp_rate.

In [13]:

# define a function to loop across every rows and columns in a dataframe to extract and replace with numeric values in the cell 
def extract(df):
    for col in range(df.shape[1]):
        for row in range(df.shape[0]):
            cell = df.iloc[row, col]
            number = re.findall(r"-?\d+\.?\d*", cell)
            df.iat[row, col] = number[0]

# define a function, comp_cal(), that apply the rate formula on the first and second column, the second and third column, etc. until rate is no longer 0
def comp_cal(col):
    comp = 0
    col_index = 0
    rate = (lambda now, later: (later - now)/(now*2))
    while comp == 0 and col_index < 11:
        comp = rate(float(col[col_index]), float(col[col_index + 1]))
        col_index += 1
    return comp

# define a function to apply the comp_cal() to each row in a dataframe 	
def compensation(df):
    df.loc[:, "comp_rate"] = df.apply(lambda col: comp_cal(col), axis = 1)

# apply extract() and compensation() to each dataframe in period
for df in period:

# take ten random samples from one of the six dataframes

Out [13]:
            g_choice37  g_choice38  g_choice39  g_choice40  g_choice41  g_choice42  g_choice43  g_choice44  g_choice45  g_choice46  g_choice47  g_choice48  comp_rate
1700163887  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100	        100	    100	        100         100	        100         0.0000
1701108411  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100	        100	    105      	106.67	    108.33      112.50	    0.0250
1701429367  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100         104.17      105	        106.67	    108.33      112.50	    0.0209
1701672807  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100	        100	    100	        100         100	        100         0.0000
1701704771  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100         104.17      105	        106.67	    108.33      112.50	    0.0209
1700476007  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100	        100	    100	        100         100	        100         0.0000
1700864967  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100	        100	    100	        100         100	        100         0.0000
1701575567  100         100         100         101.67      102.08	102.50	    103.33	104.17      105         106.67      108.33	112.50      0.0084
1723181246  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100	        100	    100	        100         100	        100         0.0000
1700096567  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100	        100	    100	        100         100	        100         0.0000									

But for respondents who persisted in SS throughout, the above mechanism would be inapplicable as their compensation required lay above the highest offered in the 12th question in the set. Hence, those with discount rate exceeded the upper bound of the experimental design, would have comp_rate estimated at the upper bound.

In [14]:

# create lists referring to the corresponding periods dataframes with different lag length
period1 = [period0_1, period1_2]
period3 = [period0_3, period1_4]
period12 = [period0_12, period1_13]

# replace the comp_rate for those respondents who persisted in SS with the upper bound
for df in period1:
    df.comp_rate.replace(0,0.1250, inplace = True)
for df in period3:
    df.comp_rate.replace(0,0.3750, inplace = True)
for df in period12:
    df.comp_rate.replace(0,1.5000, inplace = True)

# take five random samples from one of the six dataframes

Out [14]:
            g_choice37  g_choice38  g_choice39  g_choice40  g_choice41  g_choice42  g_choice43  g_choice44  g_choice45  g_choice46  g_choice47  g_choice48  comp_rate											
1722888846  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    103.33      104.17      105         106.67      108.33      112.50      0.01665
1700532447  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100	        100	    100	        100         100	        100         0.1250
1700061891  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100	        100	    100	        100         100	        100         0.1250
1721046046  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100	        100	    100	        100         100	        100         0.1250
1700577331  100	        100	    100	        100	    100         100	    100	        100	    100	        100         100	        112.50      0.0625

After deducing comp_rate in each period, I will consolidate them into a new dataframe, comp, as below:

In [15]:

# create a new list with items to be referenced as names of the new columns 
comp_list = ["comp1_2", "comp1_4", "comp1_13", "comp0_1", "comp0_3", "comp0_12"]

# create an empty dictionary for later 
comp_dic = {}

# by zipping the two reference lists, comp_list and period
# items in the two lists are looped to fill in the new dictionary
for x, y in list(zip(comp_list, period)):
    comp_dic[x] = y.loc[:,"comp_rate"]

# use the dictionary to create a new dataframe, comp
comp = pd.DataFrame(comp_dic)

# take five random samples from comp

Out [15]:
            comp1_2     comp1_4     comp1_13   comp0_1     comp0_3     comp0_12
1700325727  0.006250    0.050000    0.15000    0.004150    0.025000    0.10000
1700855447  0.008350    0.031250    0.10000    0.016650    0.025000    0.05000
1700638527  0.002041    0.006173    0.02381    0.002041    0.006173    0.02381
1723541646  0.020850    0.006173    0.02381    0.062500    0.075000    0.20000
1721046046  0.125000    0.375000    1.50000    0.125000    0.375000    1.50000


The sample mean E(.) and sample standard deviation σ(.) as shown:

In [16]:

# call the aggregated mean and standard deviation of each column

Out [16]:
        comp1_2     comp1_4     comp1_13    comp0_1     comp0_3     comp0_12
mean    0.062949    0.170676    0.540580    0.069469    0.169673    0.468039
std     0.053565    0.157790    0.580647    0.051519    0.153347    0.557025

To test H1, it would be impractical to separately regress the six comp_rate from different timeframes against the dependent variable. Therefore, a continuous independent variable, standardised compensation rate (std_comp) is created. By obtaining subjects’ standard score in each comp_rate, I compare it with the sample mean in that timeframe. Next, take a simple average of all six standard scores to construct an i_j averaging proxy which should reflect the general compensation rate of a subject relative to the sample (Ikeda, et al. 2010). $$std\_comp = \frac{1}{6}\sum_{i=0,1}\sum_{j=1,3,12} \frac{comp_{i\_j}-E(comp_{i\_j})}{\sigma(comp_{i\_j})}$$

In [17]:

# standardised the value in each column
for col in comp_list:
    comp[col] = StandardScaler().fit_transform(comp[[col]])

# take a simple average and append the value in a new column
comp["std_comp"] = comp.iloc[:, 0:6].sum(1)/6

Out [17]:
            comp1_2     comp1_4     comp1_13    comp0_1     comp0_3     comp0_12    std_comp
1701061487  -0.008391   -0.448343   1.653927    1.078909    1.340265    1.854421    0.911798
1700740531  -0.008391   -0.765526   -0.802604   -0.135404   -0.781161   -0.751210   -0.540716
1701289967  -1.138181   -1.043551   -0.890851   -1.310053   -1.067241   -0.798274   -1.041358
1722916086  -0.709154   -0.765526   -0.500925   -0.863991   -0.781161   -0.661361   -0.713686
1725282526  1.159547    1.296167    1.653927    -1.310053   -1.067241   -0.798274   0.155679
Independent Variable - Time Preference

Subjects’ time preference are categorised by comparing their timeframe specific comp_rate in ‘near’ term (i.e. i = 0) and in ‘distant’ term (i.e. i = 1) of the same lag j.

Firstly, if an individual required more compensation for postponing a reward today than postponing a reward with a front-end delay of the same lag (i.e. comp0_j > comp1_j), that individual would be subjected to "present-bias". Meaning the subject would give higher priority to events closer in time.

Secondly, if comp0_j < comp1_j, the subject would be categorised as future-biased whose time discount rate increases with time and would put higher weight on distant events. Takeuchi (2011) found the majority of his observations were "future-biased", represented by an inverse shaped discount function.

Thirdly, if comp0_j = comp1_j, , the subject would value near and distant events with a time "consistent" preference, hence, required the same compensation for postponing rewards today or postponing rewards with a front-end delay if the lag length were the same.

Lastly, in cases when respondents had persistently preferred SS in any set, with comp_rate assumed at upper bound, their corresponding time preference would be unidentifiable, namely “unidentifiable".

In [18]:

# create another dataframe, time, with comp_dic in In [16]
time = pd.DataFrame(comp_dic)

# create a new variable for j = 1 and assign value with the logical arguments presented above
time["time_1"] = np.where(time["comp1_2"] < time["comp0_1"], "pre_bi", np.where(time["comp1_2"] > time["comp0_1"], "fut_bi", np.where((time["comp1_2"] == time["comp0_1"]) & (time["comp0_1"] == 0.125), "unidentifiable", "con")))

# create a new variable for j = 3 and assign value with the logical arguments presented above
time["time_3"] = np.where(time["comp1_4"] < time["comp0_3"], "pre_bi", np.where(time["comp1_4"] > time["comp0_3"], "fut_bi", np.where((time["comp1_4"] == time["comp0_3"]) & (time["comp0_3"] == 0.375), "unidentifiable", "con")))

# create a new variable for j = 12 and assign value with the logical arguments presented above
time["time_12"] = np.where(time["comp1_13"] < time["comp0_12"], "pre_bi", np.where(time["comp1_13"] > time["comp0_12"], "fut_bi", np.where((time["comp1_13"] == time["comp0_12"]) & (time["comp0_12"] == 1.5), "unidentifiable", "con")))

# take five random samples from time

Out [18]:
            comp1_2     comp1_4     comp1_13 comp0_1    comp0_3    comp0_12 time_1    time_3    time_12
1700361771  0.012500    0.025000    0.125    0.062500    0.0500    0.075    pre_bi    pre_bi    fut_bi
1701527967  0.002041    0.012500    0.050    0.002041    0.0125    0.050    con       con       con
1700399847  0.002041    0.006173    0.125    -0.002091   0.1875    0.250    fut_bi    pre_bi    pre_bi
1726615246  0.025000    0.050000    0.125    0.033350    0.0625    0.150    pre_bi    pre_bi    pre_bi
1700238007  -0.002091   0.375000    1.500    0.125000    0.3750    1.500    pre_bi    unidentifiable	unidentifiable

After applying the logical arguments to identify participants'time preferences in each lag length j, only the relevant columns in the dataframe, time, would be left for simplicity:

In [19]:

# create an empty column, time_pre, for later
time["time_pre"] = ""

# select specific columns from the dataframe
time = time[["time_1", "time_3", "time_12", "time_pre"]]

# take another five random samples from the updated time dataframe

Out [19]:
            time_1  time_3  time_12  time_pre
1723779646  pre_bi  unidentifiable  unidentifiable	
1700776567  fut_bi  fut_bi  con	
1700001367  fut_bi  con     con	
1726771646  pre_bi  fut_bi  fut_bi	
1700243447  fut_bi  fut_bi  fut_bi	


Accordingly, all respondents would have three time preference labels for each lag length j of either "present-bias", "futture-bias", "consistent", "unidentifiable". The count by category is summarised in the pivot table below:

In [20]:

# create a pivot table that count the occurence of each value divided by time_1, time_3 and time_12
table = time.pivot_table(index = ['time_1'], columns=['time_3','time_12'], aggfunc='count')

# call out the pivot table

Out [20]:
time_3	          con                   fut_bi                                    pre_bi	                                unidentifiable
time_12	          con   fut_bi  pre_bi     con   fut_bi  pre_bi  unidentifiable      con   fut_bi   pre_bi   unidentifiable    con    fut_bi    pre_bi    unidentifiable
           con   30.0     14.0     4.0     5.0     15.0     6.0             1.0      6.0      6.0      2.0              1.0    1.0       1.0       1.0    NaN
        fut_bi	  8.0     11.0     NaN     7.0     36.0     5.0             1.0      2.0     12.0      6.0              1.0    1.0       2.0       2.0    2.0
        pre_bi	  6.0     14.0     7.0     5.0     25.0     3.0             NaN     11.0     35.0     31.0              7.0    2.0       4.0       3.0    11.0
unidentifiable	  3.0      5.0     2.0     5.0     19.0     3.0             NaN      6.0      4.0      3.0              3.0   15.0      22.0      13.0    62.0


Although ideally, the three labels should be coherent to demonstrate a comprehensible general time preference, deviation were observed in most subjects. As empirical researches rarely evaluate time preferences with three different lag lengths, regrettably, original assumptions have to be made to relax the grouping criteria.

  • For the weakly coherent scenario, if any two of the three labels are the same, the majority would be adopted as the general time preference.
  • For the weakly identifiable scenario, if any two labels are "unidentifiable", the remaining identifiable one will be deemed as the general time preference.

In [21]:

# create a new column, time_pre, and loop through all rows to fill the cell value defined by the criteria above
pre = ["con", "pre_bi", "fut_bi"]
for pre in pre:
    for i in time.index:
        if time.loc[i, "time_1"] == pre and time.loc[i, "time_3"] == pre:
            time.loc[i, "time_pre"] = pre
        elif time.loc[i, "time_1"] == pre and time.loc[i, "time_12"] == pre:
            time.loc[i, "time_pre"] = pre
        elif time.loc[i, "time_3"] == pre and time.loc[i, "time_12"] == pre:
            time.loc[i, "time_pre"] = pre
        elif time.loc[i, "time_1"] == pre and time.loc[i, "time_3"] == "unidentifiable" and time.loc[i, "time_12"] == "unidentifiable":
            time.loc[i, "time_pre"] = pre
        elif time.loc[i, "time_1"] == "unidentifiable" and time.loc[i, "time_3"] == "unidentifiable" and time.loc[i, "time_12"] == pre:
            time.loc[i, "time_pre"] = pre
        elif time.loc[i, "time_1"] == "unidentifiable" and time.loc[i, "time_3"] == pre and time.loc[i, "time_12"] == "unidentifiable":
            time.loc[i, "time_pre"] = pre

# assign the value "unidentiable" to those empty cells
for i in time.index:
    if time.loc[i, "time_pre"] == "":
        time.loc[i, "time_pre"] = "unidentifiable"

# take another five random samples from the updated time dataframe

Out [21]:
            time_1          time_3          time_12         time_pre
1700992127  pre_bi          unidentifiable  unidentifiable  pre_bi
1700914611  unidentifiable  unidentifiable  unidentifiable  unidentifiable
1701338943  unidentifiable  con	            con             con
1700157091  pre_bi          pre_bi          fut_bi          pre_bi
1701673495  fut_bi          fut_bi          con             fut_bi

After deducing a time preference for each subject, dummy variables (i.e. with value = 1 if the subject fits the category; otherwise value = 0) are created for later regression. Observations with "unidentifiable" time preference will be dropped.

In [22]:

# break down the column, time_pre, in which categorical values are used to create new columns with dummy values 
time = pd.get_dummies(time, prefix = "t", prefix_sep = "_", columns = ["time_pre"])

# drop the rows with unidentifiable time_pre
time.drop( time[(time["t_unidentifiable"] == 1) ].index , inplace=True)

# take another five random samples from the updated time dataframe

Out [22]:
            time_1          time_3          time_12   t_con   t_fut_bi   t_pre_bi   t_unidentifiable
1725792446  pre_bi          pre_bi          fut_bi    0       0          1          0
1700582767  unidentifiable  fut_bi          fut_bi    0       1          0          0
1723262966  unidentifiable  unidentifiable  con       1       0          0          0
1724670486  con             pre_bi          pre_bi    0       0          1          0
1700238687  unidentifiable  unidentifiable  pre_bi    0       0          1          0
Independent Variable - Environmental Morale

It is believed that the higher an individual’s environmental morale, the more often environmentally friendly behaviour would be conducted, and the more likely environmental tax would be supported by the individual. Hence, the “Environmental Behaviour and Attitude” module is used to measure if subjects would derive intrinsic values from protecting the environment.

In [23]:

# filter the columns in g_indresp by RegEx to create a new dataframe
envhabit = g_indresp.filter(regex = 'g_envhabit[2,4-9]', axis = 1)

# drop the rows with unidentifiable envhabit
envhabit.drop(envhabit[~envhabit.g_envhabit2.isin(["always", "very often", "quite often", "not very often", "never", "n/a, can't do this", "don't know"])].index , inplace=True)

# take five random samples from the updated time dataframe

Out [23]:
            g_envhabit2    g_envhabit4    g_envhabit5    g_envhabit6    g_envhabit7    g_envhabit8    g_envhabit9
1700539927  never          always         never          never          always         quite often    quite often
1701822411  very often     very often     never          very often     always         never          never
1700975807  always         very often     never          not very often never          not very often quite often
1700870411  always         quite often    quite often    very often     always         not very often never
1721365686  quite often    very often     not very often quite often    not very often quite often    never

With reference to Barile et al. (2015), a continuous independent variable, Environmental Habit Index envhabit, is created by firstly assigning ordered numeric values to subjects’ self-reported frequency of performing different pro-environment habits with “Always” = 5 to “Never” = 1, then taking the simple average of the aggregated values as follow:

In [24]:

# creating new columns reflecting the self-assigned numeric values of their corresponding answers to different environmental habits
new_col = ["envhabit_2", "envhabit_4", "envhabit_5", "envhabit_6", "envhabit_7", "envhabit_8", "envhabit_9"]
new_index = 0
for name in envhabit.columns:
    score = []
    for participant in envhabit[name]:
        if participant == "always":
        elif participant == "very often":
        elif participant == "quite often":
        elif participant == "not very often":
    envhabit[new_col[new_index]] = score
    new_index += 1

# taking simple average on the newly created columns with numeric values
envhabit["envhabit"] = envhabit.iloc[:, 7:14].sum(1)/7

# take another five random samples from the updated time dataframe

Out [24]:
            g_envhabit2    g_envhabit4    g_envhabit5    g_envhabit6    g_envhabit7    g_envhabit8    g_envhabit9    envhabit_2    envhabit_4    envhabit_5    envhabit_6    envhabit_7    envhabit_8    envhabit_9    envhabit
1720916846  very often     very often     quite often    very often     always         never          never          4             4             3             4             5             1             1             3.142857
1719108092  quite often    quite often    never          don't know     always         quite often    not very often 3             3             1             1             5             3             2             2.571429
1724725006  always         very often     never          very often     never          not very often never          5             4             1             4             1             2             1             2.571429
1700861567  always         quite often    never          never          very often     very often     very often     5             3             1             1             4             4             4             3.142857
1701103651  always         not very often not very often not very often quite often    always         always         5             2             2             2             3             5             5             3.428571


Another dataset, g_indall, containing background information of each participant is imported to extract their corresponding age and gender.

In [25]:

# read the .xls document with the first column being the Index
g_indall = pd.read_excel("g_indall_ip.xls", index_col = 0)

# create a dataframe by filtering relevenat columns from g_indall
other = g_indall.filter(regex = 'g_agegr10_dv|g_sex', axis = 1)

# identify and count the values in g_sex and g_agegr10_dv

Out [25]:

female        1870
male          1749
missing          1
don't know       1
Name: g_sex, dtype: int64

50-59 years old      548
40-49 years old      504
60-69 years old      500
10-19 years old      469
70 years or older    411
0-9 years old        396
30-39 years old      395
20-29 years old      361
Missing               37
Name: g_agegr10_dv, dtype: int64

As shown, there were some missing values which would be dropped from the observations.

In [26]:

# dropping rows by index identified with missing values
other.drop(other[other.g_sex.isin(["don't know","missing"])].index , inplace=True)
other.drop(other[other.g_agegr10_dv.isin(["don't know","missing"])].index , inplace=True)

# take five random samples from the updated dataframe

Out [26]:

            g_sex    g_agegr10_dv
1729110852  male    70 years or older
1716422052  female  40-49 years old
1700027891  male    60-69 years old
1726452046  female  30-39 years old
1719788132  male    0-9 years old

For later regression, two dummy variables g_sex_male and g_sex_female are created for identifying the gender of a respondent. Also, in the questionnaire, participants were answering their age with bands of 10 years. Hence, a speculation is made to assign the age value at the mid-point e.g. assigning 35 to participants answering g_agegr10_dv with "30-39 years old".

In [27]:

# creating two dummy variables from the value in g_sex with the prefix "_"
other = pd.get_dummies(other, prefix_sep = "_", columns = ["g_sex"])

# creating a dictionary and replace the keys with their corresponding values
encoding = {"g_agegr10_dv": {"0-9 years old": 5, "10-19 years old": 15, "20-29 years old": 25, "30-39 years old": 35, "40-49 years old": 45, "50-59 years old": 55, "60-69 years old": 65, "70 years or older": 75}}
other = other.replace(encoding)

# take another five random samples from the updated dataframe

Out [27]:
            g_agegr10_dv   g_sex_female   g_sex_male
1701245099  5              0              1
1700353607  35             1              0
1701077127  65             0              1
1721936886  65             1              0
1731538492  75             1              0

After extracting the relevant columns into separate datasets and transformed with audible numeric values, they are loaded into a new dataframe, rae.

In [28]:

# creating a list of names of the dataframes created thus far
data_frames = [envtax_table, comp, time, envhabit, other]

# inner joining the datafames with names from the list by the common index value, pidp
df = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: pd.merge(x, y, on = "pidp", how = "inner"), data_frames)

# list out the columns in the new consolidated dataframe

Out [28]:
Index(['g_envtax_a', 'g_envtax_b', 'g_envtax_c', 'g_envtax_d', 'g_envtax_e',
       'g_envtax_f', 'g_envtax_g', 'g_envtax_h', 'envtax', 'treatment',
       'comp1_2', 'comp1_4', 'comp1_13', 'comp0_1', 'comp0_3', 'comp0_12',
       'std_comp', 'time_1', 'time_3', 'time_12', 't_con', 't_fut_bi',
       't_pre_bi', 't_unidentifiable', 'g_envhabit2', 'g_envhabit4',
       'g_envhabit5', 'g_envhabit6', 'g_envhabit7', 'g_envhabit8',
       'g_envhabit9', 'envhabit_2', 'envhabit_4', 'envhabit_5', 'envhabit_6',
       'envhabit_7', 'envhabit_8', 'envhabit_9', 'envhabit', 'g_agegr10_dv',
       'g_sex_female', 'g_sex_male'],

From the list of columns above, select those that would be use in the regression.

In [29]:

# create a new dataframe with columns from df
rae = df[["envtax","treatment", "std_comp", "t_fut_bi", "t_pre_bi", "envhabit", "g_agegr10_dv", "g_sex_male"]]

# take five random samples from the newly created dataframe

Out [29]:
            envtax   treatment   std_comp   t_fut_bi   t_pre_bi   envhabit   g_agegr10_dv   g_sex_male
1700214211  1        0           -0.276368  0	       1          2.428571   55             1
1724119646  4        1           -0.110438  1          0          3.428571   75             1
1723310446  1        1           -0.377052  1          0          2.285714   65             1
1701727207  3        1           -0.177028  1          0          2.285714   45             0
1706126962  4        1           -0.996040  0          0          3.571429   25             0

After the extracting and transforming with Python, the dataset would be exported as a separate .csv file for later interpretation.

In [30]:	

# exporting rae as a .csv file
rae.to_csv(r"C:\Users\lauwi\Desktop\Data\Python\RAE\RAE.csv", index = True)

3. Visualisation & Summary

But before we begin the regression in R, we are going to stick with Python to understand the data.

In [31]:

# calling out summary statistics of the consolidated dataset

Out [31]:
        envtax      treatment      std_comp      t_fut_bi      t_pre_bi      envhabit      g_agegr10_dv      g_sex_male
count   304.000000  304.000000     304.000000    304.000000    304.000000    304.000000    304.000000        304.000000
mean    2.526316    0.496711       -0.213711     0.404605      0.355263      2.968985      52.993421         0.447368
std     0.950576    0.500814       0.685276      0.491625      0.479382      0.600491      17.107309         0.498042
min     1.000000    0.000000       -1.041358     0.000000      0.000000      1.000000      15.000000         0.000000
25%     2.000000    0.000000       -0.827215     0.000000      0.000000      2.571429      45.000000         0.000000
50%     3.000000    0.000000       -0.358651     0.000000      0.000000      3.000000      55.000000         0.000000
75%     3.000000    1.000000       0.302730      1.000000      1.000000      3.321429      65.000000         1.000000
max     4.000000    1.000000       1.181721      1.000000      1.000000      4.857143      75.000000         1.000000


As described from the table above, only 304 observations left after dropping those missing or inaudible entries. The average age of the remaining samples is 53 years old with 45% being male. Moreover, exactly half of the observations had received the treatment in the "Environment Tax" module which was meant to be randomly assigned to interviewees. This might be an indication that my active filtering does not alter much of the sample population distribution.

In [32]:

envtax = ["Very Willing\n(=4)", "Fairly Willing\n(=3)", "Not Very Willing\n(=2)", "Not At All Willing\n(=1)"]
xpos = np.arange(len(envtax))

plt.bar(xpos-0.2, rae.envtax.value_counts().sort_index(ascending=False), width=0.4, color = "#1d58a7d8", label="Overall")
plt.bar(xpos+0.2, rae[rae["treatment"] == 1].envtax.value_counts().sort_index(ascending=False), width=0.4, color = "#4aa6ca", label="Treatment")

plt.xticks(xpos, envtax, rotation = "350")
plt.ylabel("No. of Respondents")
plt.title("How willing would you be to pay higher taxes in order to protect the environment?")

As shown in the diagram above, the majority of participants chose fairly willing (=3) to pay higher taxes to protect the environment regardless of settings. But with the treatment, participants are more likely to be very willing to pay (=4) and less likely to give a negative responses (=1 or =2) in line with Jagers et al. (2019).

In [33]:

plt.hist([rae.std_comp, rae[rae["t_fut_bi"] == 1].std_comp, rae[rae["t_pre_bi"] == 1].std_comp, rae[(rae["t_fut_bi"] == 0) & (rae["t_pre_bi"] == 0)].std_comp], rwidth=0.8, bins =15, color = ["#34495E","#ABB3B9","#2980B9","#4aa6ca"], label = ["overall","fut_bi","pre_bi","con"])
plt.xlabel("Standardised Compenstation Rate (std_comp)")
plt.ylabel("No. of Respondents")
plt.title("Distribution of Respondents' Deduced Compensation Rate")


It is noticeable that respondents' standardised compensation rate are concentrated at the lower end, especially for those with consistent time preference whose std_comp are mostly accumulated at the lowest bound.

In [34]:

plt.hist(rae.envhabit, bins=15, histtype = "step")
plt.xlabel("Environemental Habbit Index")
plt.ylabel("No. of Respondents")
plt.title("How often do you personally do each of the following environmental habbit... \n from “Always” = 5 to “Never” = 1")

The data also demonstrated subjects' attitudes towards environmentally friendly behaviour are resembling a normal distribution. Meaning, the majority are not having strong opinion on the subject matter with a few outliners on both ends.

In [35]:

envtax = ["Very Willing\n(=4)", "Fairly Willing\n(=3)", "Not Very Willing\n(=2)", "Not At All Willing\n(=1)"]
xpos = np.arange(len(envtax))

plt.bar(xpos-0.2, rae[rae["g_sex_male"] == 1].envtax.value_counts().sort_index(ascending=False), width=0.4, color = "#85C1E9", label="Male")
plt.bar(xpos+0.2, rae[rae["g_sex_male"] == 0].envtax.value_counts().sort_index(ascending=False), width=0.4, color = "#F1948A", label="Female")

plt.xticks(xpos, envtax, rotation = "350")
plt.ylabel("No. of Respondents")
plt.title("How willing would you be to pay higher taxes in order to protect the environment?")

Although female consists of 55% of the sample, it is noted that more male respondents are having stronger preference on the question (i.e. chose either =1 or =4).

In [36]:

plt.hist(rae.g_agegr10_dv, bins=len(rae.g_agegr10_dv.value_counts()), histtype = "stepfilled")
plt.ylabel("No. of Respondents")
plt.title("Distribution of Respondents' age")

It is also not surprising to see the age of participants in the experiments are relatively senior given it requires high commitment and would be suitable of retired people.

4. Results

As demonstrated in previous sessions, envtax, the dependent variable is with ordinal numeric values (i.e. envtax = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4) to represent respondents' willingness to pay environmental tax, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) may no longer provides the best (BLU) estimate (McKelvey and Zavoina, 1975). Contrarily, ordinal regression selects the model with the highest maximum likelihood in explaining the underlining latent variable, envtax*, which is invisible and continuous to represent the discrete envtax (Winship and Mare, 1984).

However, after a throughout search in the internet, the only module in Python that support Ordinary regression, statsmodels 0.13.0.div0, is still at development stage. I have no choice but turn to the other statistical oriented programming language, R. Therefore, from now on I will be switching from Python to R for running ordered regressions to test my hypotheses in session 1.

In [37]:

# read the previously exported .csv file
csv <- read.csv("C:/Users/lauwi/Desktop/Data/Python/RAE/RAE.csv")

# check the first six rows in the dataset

Out [37]:
        pidp envtax treatment std_comp t_fut_bi t_pre_bi envhabit g_agegr10_dv 
1 1700000687      3         1     0.88        1        0      1.9           65
2 1700001367      4         0    -1.00        0        0      3.7           75
3 1700002059      3         0     1.18        0        1      2.7           25
4 1700002067      3         1    -0.52        0        1      2.1           25
5 1700015651      4         1     0.85        0        1      4.3           35
6 1700017007      1         0     1.03        0        1      3.1           75
1          0
2          0
3          0
4          0
5          0
6          0

The command, polr (i.e. Proportional Odds Logistics Regression) from the MASS package will be used.

In [38]:

# install the MASS package

# define the dependent variable, envtax, as ordered factor variable
csv$envtax = factor (csv$envtax, levels =c("1", "2", "3", "4"), ordered = TRUE)

# fit the ordered logistics model using polr function with Hess = True to return the Hessian information matrix 
o_logit <- polr(formula = envtax ~ std_comp + treatment + t_fut_bi + t_pre_bi + envhabit + g_agegr10_dv + g_sex_male, data = csv, Hess = TRUE, method = "logistic")

# call the summary statistics of the fitted ordered logistics model
summary(o_logit, digits=3)	

Out [38]:
polr(formula = envtax ~ std_comp + treatment + t_fut_bi + t_pre_bi +
    envhabit + g_agegr10_dv + g_sex_male, data = csv, Hess = TRUE, 
    method = "logistic")

               Value Std. Error t value
std_comp     -0.2286    0.16677  -1.371
treatment     1.1910    0.22553   5.281
t_pre_bi     -1.1402    0.30084  -3.790
t_fut_bi     -0.4651    0.28731  -1.619
envhabit      0.5377    0.18549   2.899
g_agegr10_dv -0.0111    0.00644  -1.719
g_sex_male   -0.1309    0.21891  -0.598

    Value  Std. Error t value
1|2 -0.729  0.650     -1.122
2|3  0.626  0.646      0.969 
3|4  3.021  0.672      4.495

Residual Deviance: 730.05
AIC: 750.05 

From Out [38], we can see the regression output including the intercepts and the corresponding coefficient, standard error and t-value of each independent variable.

The estimated regression model for intercept "1|2", "2|3","3|4" could be written as: $$Logit(\hat P(Y\le j)) = intercept_j - (-0.23)\ast std\_comp - 1.19\ast treatment - (-0.47)\ast t\_fut\_bi $$ $$- (-1.14)\ast t\_pre\_bi - 0.54\ast envhabit - (-0.01)\ast g\_agegr10\_dv - (-0.13)\ast g\_sex\_male$$

Interpretation - Intercepts

The intercept (a.k.a. cut-point) indicates where the latent variable, envtax*, is cut to divide the thresholds for each level of envtax.

The cut-point "1|2" represents the log of odds (i.e. \(Logit(\hat P(Y\le 1))\) also as \(\log\frac{P(Y\le1)}{P(Y\gt2)}\) ) of an individual to be "Not at All Willing" to support environmental tax versus being "Not Very Willing", "Fairly Willing" or "Very Willing".

Similarly, "2|3" measures the log of odds (i.e. \(Logit(\hat P(Y\le 2))\) also as \(\log\frac{P(Y\le2)}{P(Y\gt3)}\) ) of an individual to be "Not at All Willing" or "Not Very Willing" to support environmental tax versus being "Fairly Willing" or "Very Willing".

Interpretation - Significance

By default, there is no significance testing in polr which is why I am comparing the t-value and standard error to calculate the p-value with reference to UCLA Statisitcal Consulting.

As p-value is to calculate the probability of obtaining an observation if the theory to be tested is invalid (e.g. the p-value of treatment measures how likely to see an extreme result if the treatment experiment was in fact a failure), I am going to use the significance level of 0.1, meaning I will reject the output when it has more than 10% chance of being observed purely out of randomness. For visibility, I will manually mark * in Out [39] for those rows of output with p-value less than 0.1; ** for those less than 0.05; and *** for less than 0.001.

In [39]:

# store the coefficient table
(ctable <- coef(summary(o_logit)))

# calculate and store p-value
p_logit <- pnorm(abs(ctable[, "t value"]), lower.tail = FALSE)*2

# apending p_logit into ctable corrected to 4 decimal places
(ctable <- cbind(ctable, "p value" = round(p_logit,4)))

Out [39]:

                  Value  Std. Error    t value p value
std_comp     -0.2286350 0.166766341 -1.3709904  0.1704
treatment     1.1910311 0.225525819  5.2811299  0.0000 ***
t_pre_bi     -1.1402099 0.300843640 -3.7900417  0.0002 ***
t_fut_bi     -0.4651368 0.287312202 -1.6189248  0.1055
envhabit      0.5376822 0.185486482  2.8987677  0.0037 **
g_agegr10_dv -0.0110683 0.006438106 -1.7191863  0.0856 *
g_sex_male   -0.1309155 0.218906550 -0.5980430  0.5498
1|2          -0.7289528 0.649592940 -1.1221687  0.2618
2|3           0.6256457 0.645954072  0.9685607  0.3328
3|4           3.0206391 0.672028873  4.4948056  0.0000
Interpretation - Coefficients

Since the output has been transformed with taking log odds, it would be difficult to interpret the coefficients. For instance, participants who had received treatment would increase the expected value of envtax in log odds by 1.19 but what does it mean?

So instead of drawing meanings from the magnitude, we could look into the direction of the coefficients to understand the correlation between envtax and the independent variables.

  • std_comp - although the result is not statistically significant with p-value of 0.1704, the coefficient is negative which echoes our Hypothesis 1 that “individuals’ discount rate would be negatively correlated with their support for environmental taxation”.
  • Intuitively, the higher the discount rate, the lower the Net Present Value associated to future climate mitigation, and the less likely an individual would trade off present consumptions for future well-being (US Environmental Protection Agency, 2010).

  • treatment - as expected, the coefficient is significantly positive (p-value = 0.0000) meaning interviewees selected for treatment would be more likely to support environmental tax since the proposed financial cost were to be mitigated.
  • t_pre_bi - the negative coefficient has successfully proved hypothesis 2 with high significance (p-value = 0.0002) that “individuals with present-bias would be less likely to support environmental taxation than individuals with consistent time preference”.
  • In other words, subjects with present-bias would value more on approaching events such as consumption sacrificed for paying additional tax, and weight less on the distant utility like benefits of climate mitigation.

  • t_fut_bi - among the few researches on future-bias in the field, individuals with such time-preference were assumed to behave in the opposite direction than those with present-bias. However, in this study, we can see the coefficient of t_fut_bi is also negative but insignificant (p-value = 0.1055). As of now, I will call this observation inconclusive and would worth further investigation.
  • envhabit - unsurprisingly, the higher an individual’s environmental morale, the more often environmentally friendly behaviour would be conducted, and the more likely environmental tax would be supported (p-value = 0.0037).
  • g_agegr10_dv - not the focus of this study, but the negative coefficient (p-value = 0.0856) might indicates younger generation would treat environmental measures more seriously.
  • g_sex_male - with a p-value of 0.5498, gender probably has nothing to do with individuals' decision on paying environmental tax. Even if a correlation is observed, it would be out of randomness.

Interpretation - Visualisation

An alternative approach to understand the correlations is by visualisations.

In [40]:

# Install the R package for visualisation

# call the R package

# plot the effect of t_pre_bi on envtax
plot(Effect(focal.predictors = "t_pre_bi",o_logit))

From the graph above, we can see participants with present-bias are less likely to be "Very Willing" (=4) and "Fairly Willing" (=3) to pay environmental tax; while more likely to be "Not Very Willing" (=2) and "Not At All Willing" (=1).

In [41]:

# plot the effect of std_comp on envtax
plot(Effect(focal.predictors = "std_comp",o_logit))

It is also obvious from above that individuals' preference to be "Very Willing" (=4) and "Fairly Willing" (=3) is decreasing with their rate of time discount but increasing with "Not Very Willing" (=2) and "Not At All Willing" (=1).

5. Last word

Although procrastinators (present-biased) are proved to be less likely to support environmental tax, this is a simplified version of my undergrad dissertation. The main purpose is to practice my Python and R programming so those technicality such as robustness checking the proportional odds assumption in the ordered logistics model are not presented.

If you are interested, feel free to reach out for the full version of my work (got a solid first grade btw). In that dissertation I have not only compare the output with other analysis methods like Ordered Probit regression, I have also checked the models' heteroskedasticity, parallel lines assumption, multicollinearity, goodness of fit and have justified my first hypothesis with a significant result (coefficient = -2.50; p-value = 0.012).

If you have made this far... thank you and stay tuned for more projects!

6. Appendix

Appendix A: Full Question Versions in “Environmental Tax” Module
  1. How willing would you be to pay higher taxes in order to protect the environment?
  2. How willing would you be to pay higher taxes in order to protect the environment, if the government reduced other taxes you pay by the same amount?
  3. How willing would you be to pay higher taxes on things you buy that pollute the environment?
  4. How willing would you be to pay higher taxes on things you buy that pollute the environment, if the government reduced other taxes you pay by the same amount?
  5. How willing would you be to pay higher taxes, if the government spent the extra money on protecting the environment?
  6. How willing would you be to pay higher taxes, if the government spent the extra money on protecting the environment and reduced other taxes you pay by the same amount ?
  7. How willing would you be to pay higher taxes, if the government promised it would spend the extra money on protecting the environment?
  8. How willing would you be to pay higher taxes, if the government promised it would spend the extra money on protecting the environment and reduce other taxes you pay by the same amount?
Appendix B: Full Question Set in "Time Preference and Risk Aversion” Module